Musicacademia Music Academy in Chandigarh

1 reviews 0 orders
USD 465,00 USD 562.65 incl. VAT
#4569-c, MIG Apartments, Sector-70, Mohali, PB 160070 

About Musicacademia Music Academy in Chandigarh :

Musicacademia more than 18 years of experience in music. Our team of instructors are motivated by their love of music and the passion to transfer their knowledge and skills to others so their creativity and talent can shine. Our academy provide the Vocal music , Western music Learning in Chandigarh, For join academy contact with us at 098889 21088 or you can visit our website. Key Skills: - • Vocal Training • pronouns words during singing • Classical, Light Classical & Folk • Improve your pitch Specialized Services: - • Special Vocal training • Training for "Youth Festivals & Other Music Competitions" • Specialized Areas: - Geet, Gazal, Folk Song, Industry Singing, Vaar Singing & Kavishri. .

Business Details:

Vocal music Academy in Chandigarh ,music academy in chandigarh .

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